Exploring The Island // As ondas mais punks da Indonesia

Exploring the Island – Directed by Nic Barclay, this documentary style short-film follows an incredible journey to the remoted island of Panaitan featuring Jared Houston, Tom Rigby, Ewan Donnachie and myself as we encounter some of the heaviest waves of our lives.

“Essa pandemia me fez perceber o quanto eu tomei a viagem como garantida, a liberdade que tivemos para explorar o resto do mundo foi um privilégio e eu definitivamente vou aprender com esses tempos difíceis, dar muito mais valor às minhas viagens e ver as coisas com novas perspectivas. Esta viagem para a Indonésia foi um daqueles privilégios que a vida me deu, uma verdadeira aventura em um passeio de barco que só sonhamos compartilhados com seres humanos incríveis para o que se tornou uma experiência única na vida. Assista ao filme inteiro, filmado e dirigido por @n_barclay com @jared_houston @ewandonnachie e @thomrigby enquanto encontramos algumas das ondas mais pesadas de nossas vidas.”

“This pandemic made me realize how much I took travelling for granted, the freedom we had to explore the rest of the world was a privilege and I definitely will be learning from those difficult times, give a lot more values to my travels and see things with new perspectives. This journey to Indonesia was one of those privileges life has given me , a real adventure on a boat trip we only dream about shared with incredible human beings for what became a once in a lifetime experience. Watch the entire film Exploring the Island, filmed and directed by @n_barclay featuring @jared_houston @ewandonnachie and @thomrigby as we encounter some of the heaviest waves of our lives.”

Photography by @jemcresswell #panaitan #apocalypse #indonesia #waves #life #heavy #boatrip #crazy #riptide #videooftheday

Directed: Nic Barclay
Produced: Nic Barclay
Videography: Nic Barclay
Editing: Nic Barclay
Photography: Jeremy Creswell

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