Video – Arte e Psicodelia em Redsands


Depois de Passing Trough, a arte passou a pairar pelos 4 cantos e deixou muita gente tocada por sua magia.

James Kates é desses cara que ao editar tenta se superar criativamente e nos traz sentimentos distintos através de uma ótica simples e refinada ao mesmo tempo. Lidar com artistas é um verdadeiro prazer e temos que agradecer por termos o luxo de JK estar inserido no nosso universo BB.

Aperta o play e aumenta o volume! Depois compartilha com teus amigos especiais e comente porquê você está dedicandoesse post com esse vídeo a tal pessoa. No mínimo curioso…


After the success of “Passing Through”, which featured original music by bands such as Ernest Ellis, Shining Bird and The Pinheads, plus a sold out premiere at Oxford Arts Factory, James Kates has been busy collecting footage and seeking new ways to bring together his love of music, surfing and live performance.

The result is a brand new project called “The Four Winds”- an experimental series of short films scored by some of Australia’s most unique musicians. Based on a philosophy of improvisation, and a process where the visuals direct the music, rather than the other way round, “Four Winds” is a truly original approach to the surf film.

Part one features the heavy barrels and empty landscapes of the South Australian Desert, with Nick Gornall, Chris James and Greg Anderson coupled with a droning soundscape with free form sax and drums courtesy of Russell W.

Grab a coffee, put the headphones in and be transported to “Redsands”.

Filmed by James Kates & Dave Fox
Music by Russell W feat Michael Slater on sax & Jimbo on the tubs.
Titles by Simon Perini

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